Port Victoria: Jewel of the Vosk

The Marketplace and City Square

All members and guests, free persons and slaves, please familiarize yourself with the marketplace information prior to entry and roleplay.

Port Victoria

Layout of Port Victoria and Her Marketplace

Take note that the city is 40 pasang (28 earth miles) deep and 25 pasang (17.5 earth miles) long (shoreline). That's a LOT of city to walk. It’s advised to avail yourself to fee carts and other transportation. The only valid points of entry is through the Sun Gate located along the Vosk Road, or by ship. The actual main marketplace (The Plaza of Iphricrates) and the City Square proper comprise approximately 5 pasang (3.5 earth miles) by 7 pasang (5 earth miles). There are five other smaller marketplaces within the city. Of the 25 pasang of shoreline all but approximately 10 pasang (7 earth miles) are dedicated to shipping docks, piers and warehouses, which take up approximately 3 pasang (2 earth miles) deep. The balance of coastline is mostly private property.

While the trade markets keep the town thriving well, and as such, a wide variety of goods are found in her market places, Victoria is more notable infamous for her slave trade comprised mostly of captives, often at the hands of river pirates. She is almost as notorious as Port Kar in this regard.

The Marketplace “Plaza of Iphricrates”

There are five (5) other designated marketplaces in Port Victoria, however the main marketplace, for the purposes of this home, we will refer to the main marketplace as the Plaza of Iphicrates (an actual named marketplace in the books). The marketplace here is not the GRP marketplace or fair. There is no open-air mass seating areas. It’s not designed for tea parties, but for realistic interactions such as the purchase of goods from Merchants, the hiring of an Artisan to produce a custom product, etc. There will be provisions allowing for the purchase of a home and/or business (i.e., having your own pull-down in the menu) whether or not you are a member of your home, based upon your roleplay activity. To sit, eat and drink, visit a cafe or restaurant.

“Buy some for your slave,” said the man. “Here,” said he, lifting a necklace from the blanket. “This was taken from a free woman, now scrubbing stones in the plaza of Iphicrates.”
    Rogue of Gor, page 104.

“Candies! Candies!” called a veiled free woman. She carried candies on a tray, held about her neck by a broad strap. “Hot meat!” called another vendor. “Hot meat!" “Fresh vegetables here!” called a woman. “The milk of verr, the eggs of vulos!” I heard call.
    Rogue of Gor, page 101.

"Jewelry!" I heard. "Jewelry!"
I stepped away to one side and stopped before a blanket spread out on the boards. On the blanket, spread out, were dozens of pins and brooches, clasps and buckles, rings and necklaces, and bracelets and earrings, and bangles and armlets, and body chains. A pleasant-looking fellow in a woolen tunic sat cross-legged behind the blanket.
"Buy jewelry here," said he. "It is cheap and attractive. Bedeck your slaves."
    Rogue of Gor, page 103.

The Merchant Council

Within the City Square is the building known as that belonging to the Merchant Council, which is a building typically found in most cities. This is where the city's merchant councils hold meetings between themselves and the general public and generally socialize. Commodities within the building itself would be various offices for Merchant officials, apartments for those who do not own their own home, and a communal kitchen. There would be slaves availed to provide service.

Only those of the Merchant Caste will be permitted to utilize this building.

"And it is said, too," she whispered, coming close to me, the chain on her neck touching my chest, as she put her head over me, "that Glyco is not only a merchant but stands high in the merchant council of Port Cos."
    Rogue of Gor, page 246.

Sale Barns and Markets

Sale barns are utilized by the Caste of Slavers ONLY. These sales barns, also called markets, are not located within the marketplace itself, but in the warehouses closer to the docks.

I had tallied my resources, prior to coming to the tavern of Tasdron, off the avenue of Lycurgus, and found them to amount to only seventy copper tarsks, including five tarsks which I had happily, and unexpectedly, received, the captain being a good fellow, for acting as an oarsman from Fina to the vicinity of Victoria. I did not know how much a slave might go for in the market of Lysander, but I wished to have enough to be confident that I could bid realistically and effectively on one item of merchandise, should it be offered to the public.
    Rogue of Gor, page 108.

"At what time do the sales begin in the sales barn of Lysander?" I asked.
    Rogue of Gor, page 115.

There were some two hundred men at the sale. Such sales occur frequently in the various sales barns of Victoria, sometimes running for several nights in a row. The spring and summer are the busiest seasons, for these are the seasons of heaviest river traffic and, accordingly, the seasons when pirates, after their raids, are most likely to bring in their loot. Many of the men at the sales barn were professional slavers, from other towns and cities, looking for bargains.
    Rogue of Gor, page 117.

“This one is destined, like the others, for Market of Demetrius in Victoria.” Market of Demetrius was a major market in Victoria, handling mostly slaves brought overland from south of the Vosk.
    Treasure of Gor , page 105.